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President’s Report on JO 1-9 Invitational at Winnipeg Gymnastics Centre

On December 15 and 16th, the Winnipeg Gym Centre hosted their JO 1-9. I visited on Sunday the 16th, where six clubs, Brandon Eagles, Crescentwood, Springers, Steinbach, Teulon and the host club, Winnipeg Gym Centre Clubs were in attendance.


These in-house invitational competitions give coaches a chance to evaluate their gymnasts’ performances to others within our province. It also provides an opportune time for the younger gymnasts who experience the pressures of competitions, to work with their coaches in alleviating their anxieties.

Without any doubt, as in all gymnastics meets, parents, family members and their friends were present to watch and cheer on their favorites.

All scores have been posted on the MGA website.

I wish to thank Celia Champion and her crew of volunteers for organizing an excellent two day competition.

Lawrence Oystryk

President MGA



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