President’s Report on 2016 Provincial Championships
On Saturday, May 14th, I attended the Winnipeg Gymnastics Centre Women’s Provincial Championships. The event hosted Levels 5 to 7 Provincial gymnasts and Level 8 Invitational gymnasts. The one day competition housed 81 participants from the following clubs: Brandon Eagles, Fantastic, Keystone Kips, Morden, Panthers, Springers, Steinbach Flippers, and the host club, Winnipeg Gymnastics Centre.
After all the proceedings were done and the scores tallied, a total of 33 Gold, Silver, and Bronze trophies were handed out. There were no ties in the first 3 categories.
Once again, thank you to all the volunteers, score keepers, coaches and judges for their hard work. On behalf of the MGA, I wish to thank the Winnipeg Gymnastics Centre for hosting the Provincial Championships. I now look forward to the Canadian Gymnastic Championships in Edmonton. Wishing everyone involved the very best and good luck to all participating gymnasts.
Lawrence Oystryk
President MGA